20thMeCoB ~ Event Information

School of the Soldier - SCHEDULE

- Info/Directions -
Belfast, ME
Calais, ME
Cherryfield, ME
Farmington, ME
Fort Knox
Gettysburg, PA
Leonard's Mills
Lisbon Falls, ME
Madawaska, ME
OldTown, ME
Portage, ME
Portlnad, ME
Solon, ME
Thomaston, ME
Winchendon, MA

06:00am   Reveille
06:30       Fall in for Roll Call (no leathers or muskets)
06:45       Fall out for breakfast
08:00       Fall in for inspection (Lt.Morris or Lt. D'Errico) -whoever is present & orders of the day
09:00       Close order drill in small squads led by corporals T & brevet corporal Smith - no muskets
09:30       Company drill led by Sgt. Dudley - no muskets
10:00       Fall out for 1/2 break
10:30       Close order drill with muskets in small squads led by corporals
11:00       Company drill with muskets led by Sgt. Dudley
11:30       One hour Lunch

12:30pm  Company drill - firing muskets led by Sgt. Dudley & Lt. Morris
01:00       Seminar over ordinance led by Sgt. T. Batty
01:45       Seminar over proper dining fare by Eric Stoup
02:30       Seminar over artillery (firing will be done) 6th Maine Battery
03:15       Seminar over cleaning muskets by PJ Smith
04:00       Seminar over soldiers pass times by Sgt. Dudley
04:45       Seminar over the fairer sex led by Susie Battie, Fran D'Errico, Malta Phelps, Mary Wierzbicki
05:00       Preparation for the evening meals
07:00       Gathering around the campfire for period songs led by Sgt. Dudley & Corporal T.


Can be a repeat of Saturday but break camp around 1 or 2pm

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