
Recruiting Information

     Company B, 20th Maine welcomes interested individuals to join our ranks.  Our membership comes primarily from eastern and central Maine, but we also have active  members from as far as Portland and Caribou, Maine and Moncton, New Brunswick.  We also have members living in "The County", who used to be the "Aroostook Stragglers", that join us from time to time, for some of our more major activities.
     All that is needed to join the 20th Maine is a commitment to learn 19th century military drill, the purchase of the necessary uniform and equipment, and $20.00 yearly dues. 
     The drill is based on actual 19th century practices, as found in Hardee's and Casey's Tactics.  As a "fresh fish", you will be given instruction in the basics, but will primarily learn by doing.  Our NCO's will help you as you drill with the veterans.  Safety practices are always stressed during both drills and reenactments.  Before long, the complex, awkward movements will become natural to you.  We encourage those with an interest to come to a drill or event and try it out. 
     Re-enacting is not cheap.  Your equipment and uniform are all authentic reproductions and are not inexpensive.  But neither is a snowmobile.  This is a hobby, and like most grown-up hobbies, you can spend a lot of money.  There is the initial expense to get outfitted, there will be traveling expenses to events, and there will always be one more item you need to purchase (it makes it easy to write a Christmas wish-list).    
     Because of the expense involved, Company B allows you two years to get all your gear, though few can stand to wait that long.


The basic uniform of a Federal infantry private includes:

  • four-button sack coat
  • wool trousers
  • forage cap
  • period shirt
  • brogans (shoes)

The equipment required includes:

  • cartridge box with sling
  • cap pouch
  • waist belt
  • haversack
  • canteen
  • 3-band Enfield or Springfield rifle-musket
  • bayonet and scabbard
     These items, with all the little extras needed, will total around $1000 (the musket is about $400).  Members often purchase the uniform first, and save the musket and leather gear for later.  There generally is equipment to be borrowed for new members.

     For More Information, contact our Quartermaster:
Keith Richards
Photo by: Eric McKendry


To join Company B, and send $20 (covers family) to our Recruiting Officer Paul Dudley, just click below!

Click> For Information & Recruiting Form <Here

