Recruiting Form...
Note: All statements are strictly confidential,
and are only sent to the proper party(ies) involved.
~If your personal
info is asked for, it's only to confirm it's not a hoax, or those involved need to get back to you for conformation,
and the like. ~Thank You
Welcome to the
20th Maine Company B ~ Reenacting
Please read information (IMPORTANT!)
at the bottom of this page-FIRST!
Soldier's Title(s) = Private (or- higher Rank, if exception is applicable, like Medical Officer),
Musician, Artillery, Cook, etc.
Civilian's Title(s)
= Civilian, Cook, Sutler (Store Keeper), Blacksmith, Photographer, Quilts, Seamstress, Cobbler,
Arm/Serial Number(s)
= If you have fire-arms, it would be a good idea for us to keep a record
on hand for your protection.
To Join, please fill out the
form above, then present Form and $20.00 by one of these 2 ways... (NOTE: $20.00 covers the whole
- By
Mail ($20.00): Fill Out this
Form and [Submit] it...
send $20.00
by mail,*see below.
- By Hand
($20.00): Fill Out this Form, and [Submit] it, -or- (Print it)...
bring $20.00 to one of our next events. (With Printed Form,
if you did not [Submit] it.)
*If sending By Mail...
Please send your $20.00 Check
-or- Money Order right away! (Please, No Cash!)
payable to: "Company B, 20th Maine".
Send to:
Company B, 20th Maine
c/o Paul Smith
(Paul Dudley will get it!)
P.O. Box 120
Old Town, ME 04468