Member's Information Form... Note:
All statements are strictly confidential, and are only sent to the proper party(ies) involved. ~If your personal info is asked for, it's only to confirm it's not a hoax, or
those involved need to get back to you for conformation, and the like. ~Thank
All contact information needs to be up to date, from the 20thMeCoB Members.
We would like to have an updated
list, to be able to contact members in short notice of any changes.
fill out the following (where applicable), and click on the [Submit] button, at the lower
right hand side of this page.
Name, Age & Title of -
[Soldiers Private, or higher Rank] [Civilians, Blacksmith, Photographer, Seamstress etc.]
Please be sure to send any changes,
corrections -and/or- additions ASAP! (Don't forget to put your Name
in, so we know who it came from.)
Your =Swift and Accurate Cooperation is Deeply